CRA Fiscal Year Budgets

The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was organized to finance development within the geographic boundaries of the community redevelopment area. Although legally separate, the CRA is governed by a board comprised solely of the Town’s elected Council members and the services provided by the CRA create a financial benefit relationship with the Town. The CRA does not issue separate financial statements. Their financial statements are included in the Town’s Financial Statements as a special revenue fund. The Annual Financial Audit of the Town and CRA can be found at this link.

Title Attachments
CRA Adopted Budget Summary 2023-2024
CRA Proposed Budget Summary 2023-2024
CRA Adopted Budget Summary 2022-2023
CRA Proposed Budget Summary 2022-2023
CRA Adopted Budget Summary 2021-2022
CRA Proposed Budget Summary 2021-2022
CRA Adopted Budget Summary 2020-2021
CRA Proposed Budget Summary 2020-2021
CRA Amended Budget Summary 2019-2020
CRA Budget Summary 2019-2020